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I'm running into a similar problem. Using version 0.7.48.
I getting the following error message in the logs whenever askbot is trying to send an email:
[Tue Feb 19 17:16:33 2013] [error] timed out
My settings:
SERVER_EMAIL = '' DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '' EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'mypassword' EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = 'Askbot: ' EMAIL_HOST='' EMAIL_PORT='465' EMAIL_USE_TLS=True EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
NOTE: if there is an exception raised for example an "Internal Server Error", then askbot sends me an email to the address configured in the ADMINS property in the
But if I for example try to recover my password then no emails are sent and I get the timeout error message in the logs.
Also, I have confirmed that using a Console or Filebased EMAIL_BACKEND works fine. Only problem is with smtp.