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Maybe you could create a special user account and make it vote? There may be a limitation on the number of votes per day - if you hit that we might need to do something about this.
If you don't like to display that account in the future - just make it "blocked" - blocked accounts don't show anywhere.
To avoid hitting limitations of votes per post and votes per user per day - create a function in the importer vote()
or something like that.
On post - save points
, vote_up_count
, vote_down_count
- denormalized values.
You might get away with just maintaining these, but for the better DB consistency I would
for each vote also create a vote object: Vote(user = user, voted_post=post, vote=Vote.VOTE_UP, voted_at=timestamp).save()
Since the account will be throwaway - don't worry about tracking users karma.
Maybe you could create a special user account and make it vote? There may be a limitation on the number of votes per day - if you hit that we might need to do something about this.
If you don't like to display that account in the future - just make it "blocked" - blocked accounts don't show anywhere.
To avoid hitting limitations of votes per post and votes per user per day - create a function in the importer vote()
or something like that.
On post - save points
, vote_up_count
, vote_down_count
- denormalized values.
You might get away with just maintaining these, but for the better DB consistency I would
for each vote also create a vote object: Vote(user = user,
.voted_post=post, vote=Vote.VOTE_UP, voted_at=timestamp).save()voted_post=post).save()
Since the account will be throwaway - don't worry about tracking users karma.
Maybe you could create a special user account and make it vote? There may be a limitation on the number of votes per day - if you hit that we might need to do something about this.
If you don't like to display that account in the future - just make it "blocked" - blocked accounts don't show anywhere.
To avoid hitting limitations of votes per post and votes per user per day - create a function in the importer vote()
or something like that.
On post - save points
, vote_up_count
, vote_down_count
- denormalized values.
You might get away with just maintaining these, but for the better DB consistency I would
for each vote also create a vote object: Vote(user = user, voted_post=post).save()
Since the account will be throwaway - don't worry about tracking users karma.
Maybe you could create a special user account and make it vote? There may be a limitation on the number of votes per day - if you hit that we might need to do something about this.
If you don't like to display that account in the future - just make it "blocked" - blocked accounts don't show anywhere.