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The issue indeed was reproduced for me. A quick hack to fix this issue is to comment out the following six lines around 1666 in askbot/media/js/post.js

//        if (this._minorEditBox) {
//            this._minorEditBox.hide();

//        if (this._minorEditBox) {
//  ;
//        }

If you want to turn off email alerts, then minorEditBox is irrelevant and therefore seems to be safe to comment out.

The issue indeed was reproduced for me. A quick hack to fix this issue is is to comment out the following six lines around 1666 in askbot/media/js/post.js

//        if (this._minorEditBox) {
//            this._minorEditBox.hide();

//        if (this._minorEditBox) {
//  ;
//        }

If you want to turn off email alerts, then minorEditBox is irrelevant and therefore seems to be safe to comment out.

The issue indeed was reproduced for me. A The quick hack to fix this issue is is to comment out the following six lines around 1666 in askbot/media/js/post.js

//        if (this._minorEditBox) {
//            this._minorEditBox.hide();

//        if (this._minorEditBox) {
//  ;
//        }

If you want to turn off email alerts, then minorEditBox is irrelevant and therefore seems to be safe to comment out.

The issue indeed was reproduced for me. The quick hack to fix this issue is is to comment out the following six lines around 1666 in askbot/media/js/post.js

// if (this._minorEditBox) { // this._minorEditBox.hide(); //

// if (this._minorEditBox) { //; // }


If you want to turn off email alerts, then minorEditBox is irrelevant and therefore seems to be safe to comment out.