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There's not a valued configuration can achieve your target, but you can edit your source code with this method:

the main question query code are in file and in the questions(request, **kwargs) function , it get the queryset from this line -- qs, meta_data=models.Thread.objects.run_advanced_search(**). so, we can tell some query parameters are set in the run_advanced_search function,  go into this function and you can find the primary_filter dict, add your self configuration to this query dict--may like this:


primary_filter = { 'posts__post_type': 'question', 'posts__deleted': False }


primary_filter = { 'posts__post_type': 'question', 'posts__deleted': False, 'posts__wiki':True, } be carefully, between the post and wiki , it is a double underline.

I have tested in my development code, and hope it can help you.