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Hi Antonio, please stick with the documentation that is in the source code.

did you use command:

python install --prefix <somedir>

? You'll have to use --prefix to install on the shared host.

In that case script startforum must install under the same directory tree (<somedir>). That you can't find it means that it is not in directory search path ($PATH environment variable).

You can still call it by typing full path to the script.

Please tell if you still have problems.

Unfortunately wiki proved to be hard to maintain in sync with the code so I'll transfer all the useful stuff from to wiki into the static files under the source control and take the wiki down.

Regarding free alwaysdata accounts - you don't get a whole lot with the free option and in fact you'll spend considerable effort adapting to that limited environment.


Hi Antonio, please stick with the documentation that is in the source code.

did you use command:

python install --prefix <somedir>

? You'll have to use --prefix to install on the shared host.

In that case script startforum must install under the same directory tree (<somedir>). That you can't find it means that it is not in directory search path ($PATH environment variable).

You can still call it by typing full path to the script.

Please tell if you still have problems.

Unfortunately wiki proved to be hard to maintain in sync with the code so I'll transfer all the useful stuff from to wiki into the static files under the source control and take the wiki down.

Regarding free alwaysdata accounts - you don't get a whole lot with the free option and in fact you'll spend considerable effort adapting to that limited environment.


Hi Antonio, please stick with the documentation that is in the source code.

did you use command:

python install --prefix <somedir>

? You'll have to use --prefix to install on the shared host.

In that case script startforum must install under the same directory tree (<somedir>). That you can't find it means that it is not in directory search path ($PATH environment variable).

You can still call it by typing full path to the script.

Please tell if you still have problems.

Unfortunately wiki proved to be hard to maintain in sync with the code so I'll transfer all the useful stuff from to wiki into the static files under the source control and take the wiki down.
