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Based on what I found by googling the title of your question - you might need to install libmysql-dev
If you are on centos then you can try:
yum install libmysql-dev
On ubuntu:
apt-get install libmysql-dev
You are right - a better manual for the pre-requisite installation would be great.
Based on what I found by googling the title of your question - you might need to install libmysql-dev
If you are on centos then you can try:
yum install libmysql-dev
On ubuntu:
apt-get install libmysql-dev
You are right - a better manual for the pre-requisite installation would be great.
Based on what I found by googling the title of your question - you might need to install libmysql-dev
If you are on centos then you can try:
yum install libmysql-dev
On ubuntu:
apt-get install libmysql-dev