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It is quite easy with the one limitation at this point (to be resolved in the future) - that you will have to use askbot's built-in user authentication system.

There is also a point of potential inconvenience: askbot patches the django.contrib.auth.models.User model, which is not a good practice. This needs to be fixed too, but so far I have not heard that this was a showstopper.

Other than that - askbot is a django app, not a dedicated site, it is possible to add other apps to the project.

Python is great, I've switched from php to python a while ago, no regrets.


It is quite easy with the one limitation at this point (to be resolved in the future) - that you will have to use askbot's built-in user authentication system.system.

There is also a point of potential inconvenience: askbot patches the django.contrib.auth.models.User model, which is not a good practice. This needs to be fixed too, but so far I have not heard that this was a showstopper.

Other than that - askbot is a django app, not a dedicated site, it is possible to add other apps to the project.

Python is great, I've switched from php to python a while ago, no regrets.


It is quite easy with the one limitation at this point (to be resolved in the future) - that you will have to use askbot's built-in user authentication system.

There is also a point of potential inconvenience: askbot patches the django.contrib.auth.models.User model, which is not a good practice. This needs to be fixed too, but so far I have not heard that this was a showstopper.

Other than that - askbot is a django app, not a dedicated site, it is possible to add other apps to the project.

Python is great, I've switched from php to python a while ago, no regrets.
