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Hi Matthias,

mod_wsgi (pid=463): Daemon process deadlock timer expired, stopping process 'askbot2'`.

The above suggests that perhaps the first hit to the application takes too long for the default apache settings to execute.

When you visit the site the very first time after starting the app, it compiles the python to bytecode, initializes the django app, and that takes additional time.

So you might want to try to adjusting the timeout settings, some of these (the numbers below are arbitrary, try finding the values that work for you):

Timeout 600
WSGIDaemonProcess askbot2 deadlock-timeout=300 startup-timeout=300

Probably the deadlock-timeout is the most relevant setting.

I would also recommend to reduce the number of processes and threads to 1, that would help avoid running out of memory/cpu. Once the app is working, increase as is appropriate for your system.

EDIT: it is possible that there are permission issues for the Apache to access the log files and maybe a unix socket used by the python app.

Finally - unless you must use Apache, I'd suggest switching NGINX, that would improve the performance.

Hi Matthias,

mod_wsgi (pid=463): Daemon process deadlock timer expired, stopping process 'askbot2'`.

The above suggests that perhaps the first hit to the application takes too long for the default apache settings to execute.

When you visit the site the very first time after starting the app, it compiles the python to bytecode, initializes the django app, and that takes additional time.

So you might want to try to adjusting the timeout settings, some of these (the numbers below are arbitrary, try finding the values that work for you):

Timeout 600
WSGIDaemonProcess askbot2 deadlock-timeout=300 startup-timeout=300

Probably the deadlock-timeout is the most relevant setting.

I would also recommend to reduce the number of processes and threads to 1, that would help avoid running out of memory/cpu. Once the app is working, increase as is appropriate for your system.

EDIT: it is possible that there are permission issues for the Apache to access the log files and maybe a unix socket used by the python app.

Finally - unless you must use Apache, I'd suggest switching NGINX, that would improve the performance.