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Apparently django works this way. In order to add a model when the models module three things need to be done:

  • it has to be imported in askbot/models/ - e.g. from askbot.models.question import Foo
  • it has to be added to the __all__ list (if used, in askbot - it is) inside askbot/models/
  • in the Meta subclass of your model Foo you must add app_label = 'askbot'

Coming back to your intention. It is a lot better to create an outside application and keep the extra functionality loosely coupled with askbot - which is a "third party" code to you.

If you decide to go down the path of hacking the third party code - later on it might be a lot harder for you to maintain your work and keep up with the upgrades of say askbot.

If there is something in askbot that prevents you from easily adding functionalities via external apps - please do let us know.