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The issue is due to cache "mixups" between the sites.

edited: with Django 1.3 you could try setting up CACHES settings variable and add distinct KEY_PREFIX value to all of your sites.

For example:

    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
        'LOCATION': 'unix:/tmp/memcached.sock',
        'KEY_PREFIX': 'siteA',

That way caches will be differentiated between sites and you can host several on the same server.

The issue is due to cache "mixups" between the sites.

edited: with Django 1.3 you could try setting up CACHES settings variable and add distinct KEY_PREFIX value to all of your sites.

For example:

CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': 'unix:/tmp/memcached.sock', 'KEY_PREFIX': 'siteA', } }


That way caches will be differentiated between sites and you can host several on the same server.

The issue you are having is due to cache "mixups" between collision. We'll fix this by the release.

edited: with Django 1.3 you could try setting At the moment I think the only way around it is to have separate cache engines set up CACHES settings variable for the two sites, the downside is inefficient use of memory and add distinct KEY_PREFIX value to all of your sites.having an extra process running.

For example:Secondly, theoretically it is possible to add support for the django.contrib.sites package that would allow running multiple sites from one database, but this is low on our priority list right now. And this would not fix the caching issue by itself.

CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': 'unix:/tmp/memcached.sock', 'KEY_PREFIX': 'siteA', } }

That way caches will be differentiated between sites and you can host several on the same server.

The issue you are having is cache collision. We'll fix this by the next release.

At the moment I think the only way around it is to have separate cache engines set up for the two sites, the downside is inefficient use of memory and having an extra process running.

Secondly, theoretically it is possible to add support for the django.contrib.sites package that would allow running multiple sites from one database, installation, but this is low on our priority list right now. And this would not fix the caching issue by

The issue you are having is cache collision. We'll fix this by the next release.

At the moment I think the only way around it is to have separate cache engines set up for the two sites, the downside is inefficient use of memory and having an extra process running.

Secondly, theoretically it is possible to add support for the django.contrib.sites package that would allow running multiple sites from one installation, but this is low on our priority list right now.