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Yes this is a important feature request for certain kind of Sites. (we need others detailed thoughts on this). And So, Let's keep this thread for others opinions on the same.
IMHO - too much emoticons will spoil the look and value for the community slowly. It might be good for some askbot sites - around FUN, Gaming and Opinionated discussions(phpBB and other numerous Bulletin Boards). But for QnA's its not a very good idea.
Anyway I'm working on Editors specifically now - (emoticons/smileys features, UNDO-REDO are there on my Todo-list).
Yes this is a important feature request for certain kind of Sites. (we need others detailed thoughts on this). And So, Let's keep this thread for others opinions on the same.
IMHO - too much emoticons will spoil the look and value for the community slowly. It might be good for some askbot sites - around FUN, Gaming and Opinionated discussions(phpBB and other numerous Bulletin Boards). But for QnA's its not a very good idea.
Anyway I'm working on Editors specifically now - (emoticons/smileys features, UNDO-REDO features are there on my Todo-list).list).
Yes this is a important feature request for certain kind of Sites. (we need others detailed thoughts on this). And So, Let's keep this thread for others opinions on the same.
IMHO - too much emoticons will spoil the look and value for the community slowly. It might be good for some askbot sites - around FUN, Gaming and Opinionated discussions(phpBB and other numerous Bulletin Boards). But for QnA's its not a very good idea.
Anyway I'm working on Editors specifically now - (emoticons/smileys features are there on my list).