How do I get answers emailed to me?
I want to be able to get the answers to the questions or posts I follow emailed to me, or get email notification that my question has been answered.
I want to be able to get the answers to the questions or posts I follow emailed to me, or get email notification that my question has been answered.
Firstly functioning mail server must be configured with Askbot. Please look at the django documentation for that.
Secondly - the user who is to receive alerts is to be subscribed for that.
One way to subscribe is to go to the user profile -> subscriptions, make selections and save. Another way - if you are the site admin - go to the "settings" (the site settings link that is available to the administrators at the header) -> email and email alert settings and adjust defaults for the subscriptions.
The defaults applied in the second method will be effective only to the new users.
Lastly - it is also possible to enable "subscribed tag set" (in the settings -> data entry and display rules") and then edit subscribed tag sets from the tags page - this function is also available only to administrators and site moderators.
To enter a block of code:
Is that on our hosted site or some other deployment?