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Why does 'pip install askbot' uninstall Django?

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I have our deployed version of AskBot running on a CentOS 6 system. It is running 0.7.49.

I noticed that pip has a newer version. I am installing on another server that also has Django running, where I can play with the newer AskBot. This second server is running CentOS 7 and Django 1.6.10. (Note that I used yum to install everything on the CentOS 7 server -- no pip.)

To my horror, the pip install askbot command removed Django from the system without even asking me. This server was running other Django applications!

Is there some way I could have avoided this? Should I have known that this was a risk?

dccarson's avatar
asked 2015-03-02 17:03:49 -0500
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1 Answer


The solution is to install using "virtualenv". This way requirements of Askbot can be satisfied without interfering with the system-wide python installation.

Evgeny's avatar
answered 2015-03-02 18:31:45 -0500
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OK, I will try that. But is there some reason the askbot installation could not have used the Django I had installed, which is newer than what askbot requires?

dccarson's avatar dccarson (2015-03-03 10:42:02 -0500) edit

Askbot 0.7.51 supports 1.5 the latest

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2015-03-03 10:58:17 -0500) edit

CentOS 7 shows 1.6.10: `rpm -q python-django` yields `python-django-1.6.10-1.el7.noarch`

dccarson's avatar dccarson (2015-03-03 13:28:14 -0500) edit
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