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Plain URLs should render as links in preview

If write a markdown Question like:    
^ plain link

The preview doesn't render this as a hyperlink -- but the question, once submitted, doe have a hyperlink here. A live preview of the link would be helpful. (This is what StackExchange does, for example.)

Plain URLs should render as links in preview

If write a markdown Question like:    
^ plain link

The preview doesn't render this as a hyperlink -- but the question, once submitted, doe have a hyperlink here. A live preview of the link would be helpful. (This is what StackExchange does, for example.)

Plain URLs should render as links in preview

If write a markdown Question like:    
^ plain link

The preview doesn't render this as a hyperlink -- but the question, once submitted, doe have a hyperlink here. A live preview of the link would be helpful. (This is what StackExchange does, for example.)