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Best way to publish articles

I'm moving a forum to Askbot. Most of the content of this forum are "discussions" that will be made "questions". But the forum has also some editor "stories" or "articles", that receive a lot of visits.

I would like to know your thought on the best way to publish the articles into Askbot. Ideally, I would like to create page like .

  1. An option would be to post wiki pages using a common tag, and then add a link to all wiki pages in the header, but I'm not sure this is the best way to go.
  2. Another option is to add a second CMS for stories, but this option will require too much work for about 20 articles.
  3. A third option is to add the stories as static html content, but it will require more time to manually edit each story.

A related question has been posted.

Thanks for your advice!

Best way to publish articlesIntegrate "story" content type

I'm moving a forum to Askbot. Most of the content of this forum are "discussions" that will be made "questions". But the forum has also some editor "stories" or "articles", that receive a lot of visits.

I would like to know your thought on the best way to publish the articles into Askbot. Ideally, I would like to create page like .

  1. An option would be to post wiki pages using a common tag, and then add a link to all wiki pages in the header, but I'm not sure this is the best way to go.
  2. Another option is to add a second CMS for stories, but this option will require too much work for about 20 articles.
  3. A third option is to add the stories as static html content, but it will require more time to manually edit each story.

A related question has been posted.

Thanks for your advice!