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Is the Askbot Q and A forum active?
I wanted to start using Askbot as a tool for my website. I am impressed of what they have done. However, I have few concerns:
- Is this Q and A forum still active? I see lot of unanswered questions and there hasn't been any answered recently. I am worried that if I use Askbot and don't get some of my questions answered.
- Is there a road map somewhere about Askbot ? I wanted to know what are the features that are currently being worked on and what is the future look like? For example, I read that zurb foundation will be used in the future. So if I am planning to modify the look and feel of the entire website, what are some of the gotchas?
- There are lot of questions that I have which are already posted but are unanswered. I am stuck here, how do I get some attention to those questions? Is the reason why the questions are unanswered is because of lack of time?
- I am fan of Askbot and going forward would like to contribute but I cannot proceed by knowing that I can't get support or if it is not being maintained.
Please clarify. Regards..
Is the Askbot Q and A forum active?
I wanted to start using Askbot as a tool for my website. I am impressed of what they have done. However, I have few concerns:
- Is this Q and A forum still active? I see lot of unanswered questions and there hasn't been any answered recently. I am worried that if I use Askbot and don't get some
ofmy questions answered. - Is there a road map somewhere about Askbot ? I wanted to know what are the features that are currently being worked on and what is the future look like? For example, I read that zurb foundation will be used in the future. So
if I amwe are planning to modify the look and feel of the entire website, what are some of the gotchas? - There are lot of questions that I have which are already posted but are unanswered. I am stuck here, how do I get some attention to those questions?
Is the reason why the questions are unanswered is because of lack of time? - I am fan of Askbot and going forward would like to contribute but I cannot proceed by knowing that I can't get support or if it is not being maintained.
Please clarify. Regards..