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Some questions disappear after user deletion!

I have deleted some spammer from my website and now all the good questions, where they participated are not more there.

How to get them back?

It is really important

Info: I've deleted through /admin

I'm getting error emails and the main error seems to be:

 DoesNotExist: User matching query does not exist.

thank you

Some questions disappear after user deletion!

I have deleted some spammer from my website and now all the good questions, where they participated are not more there.

How to get them back?

It is really important

Info: I've deleted through /admin

I'm getting error emails and the main error seems to be:

 DoesNotExist: User matching query does not exist.

thank you

Some questions disappear after user deletion!

I have deleted some spammer from from my website and now all the good questions, where they participated are not more there.

How to get them back?

It is really important

Info: I've deleted through /admin

thank you