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I am looking into solutions for a project I am starting. Askbot seems to be a great foundation, but one feature that seems to be missing is pre-moderation. Is there an option to require moderators to pre-approve posts before they are shown on the website?

If not, do you have any recommendations for me how to build in this feature? I am thinking of just adding a boolean field to the relevant models such as is_approved which defaults to False and then allow moderators to set it to True and having all the views filtering on is_approved=True. Any advice whether this sounds feasible or things I should be aware of?


I am looking into solutions for a project I am starting. Askbot seems to be a great foundation, but one feature that seems to be missing is pre-moderation. Is there an option to require moderators to pre-approve posts before they are shown on the website?

If not, do you have any recommendations for me how to build in this feature? I am thinking of just adding a boolean field to the relevant models such as is_approved which defaults to False and then allow moderators to set it to True and having all the views filtering on is_approved=True. Any advice whether this sounds feasible or things I should be aware of?