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how can askbot suppot chinese
askbot 0.11.2 doesn't support chinese search very well. I try to use sphinx-for-chinese to support chinese. But it seems that askbot 0.11.2 don't support sphinx any more. I see an answer says to use haystack, but how can i take it into askbot? Is there anyone knowing how to support chinese serach well?
how can askbot suppot chinese
askbot 0.11.2 doesn't support chinese search very well. I try to use sphinx-for-chinese to support chinese. But it seems that askbot 0.11.2 don't support sphinx any more. I see an answer says to use haystack, but how can i take it into askbot? Is there anyone knowing how to support chinese serach well?
how can askbot suppot chinese
askbot 0.11.2 doesn't support chinese search very well. I try to use sphinx-for-chinese to support chinese. But it seems that askbot 0.11.2 don't support sphinx any more. I see an answer says to use haystack, but how can i take it into askbot? Is there anyone knowing how to support chinese serach well?