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Feature Request: Fighting Spam

Seeing how easy it is to post spam on this forum, especially the fact the new and anonymous users can post videos and images, I would like to suggest that those set of users not be able to post videos and images.

A new user should be required to accrue a minimum Karma points before he/she can post images and videos. Anon users should not even be allowed to do that.

And it would be nice if a configurable number of offensive flags automatically hides a post and put it in a moderation queue.

Feature Request: Fighting Spam

Seeing how easy it is to post spam on this forum, especially the fact the new and anonymous users can post videos and images, I would like to suggest that those set of users not be able to post videos and images.

A new user should be required to accrue a minimum Karma points before he/she can post images and videos. Anon users should not even be allowed to do that.

And it would be nice if a configurable number of offensive flags automatically hides a post and put it in a moderation queue.