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IntegrityError when updating user
Hello! I want to integrate askbot to my django project. When I'm trying to update user information using admin interface, i'm getting this exception:
update or delete on table "auth_user_groups" violates foreign key constraint "authusergroups_ptr_id_refs_id_7859c44e" on table "askbot_groupmembership"
What are the reasons this can happen?
IntegrityError when updating user
Hello! I want to integrate askbot to my django project. When I'm trying to update user information using admin interface, i'm getting this exception:
exception: update or delete on table "auth_user_groups"violates foreign key constraint "authusergroups_ptr_id_refs_id_7859c44e"on table "askbot_groupmembership"
What are the reasons this can happen?