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Well, here is one sketch, please add your suggestions.

Propose a poll (subject to some reputation requirement) --> wait till it collects enough votes --> open poll for a certain duration.

Polls can be of types: "select all that apply", "select only one of possible answers".

There may be a limit of time when the voters can change their mind.

Before the poll is open for voting, it can be edited, when the poll opens, it cannot be changed.

Poll posts can be commented.

Polls can be followed by email or via on-screen notification.

Well, here is one sketch, please add your suggestions.

Propose a poll (subject to some reputation requirement) --> wait till it collects enough votes --> open poll for a certain duration.

Polls can be of types: "select all that apply", "select only one of possible answers".

There may be a limit of time when the voters can change their mind.

Before the poll it is open for voting, it poll can be edited, when the poll opens, it cannot be changed.

Poll posts can be commented.

Polls can be followed by email or via on-screen notification.