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Sorry that there is no better way to test email settings now, but you might do this: on the command line type python shell from the same directory where your file is located. Then type:

from django.core.mail import mail_admins
mail_admins('subject line', 'message text')

Then you should get an exception, which might give you some idea of what is not right. You could also consult Webfaction documentation about setting up email with django projects. There is nothing special about askbot in that respect.

Errors are also logged in log/askbot.log within your project directory if you are using default logging configuration.

The UI for testing email configuration is a very good idea.

One place to test email in askbot is the feedback form, but it will not show you actual errors.

Sorry that there is no better way to test email settings now, but you might do this: on the command line type python shell from the same directory where your file is located. Then type:

from django.core.mail import mail_admins
mail_admins('subject line', 'message text')

Then you should get an exception, which might give you some idea of what is not right. You could also consult Webfaction documentation about setting up email with django projects. There is nothing special about askbot in that respect.

Errors are also logged in log/askbot.log within your project directory if you are using default logging configuration.

The UI for testing email configuration is a very good idea.

One place to test email in askbot is the feedback form, but it will not show you actual errors.